Only sex with your wedded wife -- with procreation
accepted and welcomed -- is legitimate sex for the awakened and
the spiritual.
All the rest destroys self and destroys the original self-projected
Eden. Sex is sacred and should happen within the lawful, divine,
holistic container of marriage. This is the message of all
the avatars and siddhas from Buddha to Jesus Christ. And it is the
message of our Brotherhood. Yet there is so much more.
I want to tell you how the world actually
manifests and where it comes from by the Creator's power.
And tell you how you expel yourself
Eden further daily, and
I'm going to talk about your "Inner Ground" and the
things that happen when you allow it to be undisturbed.
Finally, I am going to talk about the "Food Of God,"
the Divine Eye which sees
Men and women today are relatively in the dark about the
moral and
spiritual dimensions of sex, and even churches are failing to give them
clear and compelling teachings. Today I walked by a group of Anglican
priests filtering into the nearby church in their robes. The
bhakti-yoga rituals in the Catholic and Anglican churches are highly
valuable for developing bhakti and sanctity. But I saw all the old
priests -- not a young one among them -- and my mind said: "Why
are you not proclaiming essential religious teachings to the
young men of this city? Why are you not abjuring the young men to cease
from damaging themselves spiritually by male unchastity? Ground of all
religious realization? Which of you men in robes has spoken a word to them in your whole lives about this?"
Truly, the churches are utterly failing to teach fundamental
knowledge to young men whether from a religious point-of-view or
simply "how to live." Without knowledge of brahmacharya and
conscious understanding of the bhakti-yoga principle resident in
Christianity -- these churches and their beautiful sanctuaries -- built
by our ancestors for the remembrance of the Deity -- will
continue to die and bliss will be a far cry.
World Hangs On Your
In "Bliss Of the Celibate" I present the idea that sexual indulgence
really the "forbidden fruit" in the Genesis garden story. This is not
an original idea of mine, but is the teaching of many yogic saints,
ancient and modern. It was also a view secreted within Christianity for
millennia and now grown obscure for modern Christians.
can be thought of as that more pure world of good that the Creator
intends for us -- that world that keeps receding from us today. When
one ponders "sex as forbidden fruit," "unrestrained sex," and "The
Fall," the
mind naturally
thinks of macrospheric, "materia-logical" effects like
overpopulation. But I have
come to the conclusion that this is not the heart of how we get
from The Garden. It is not the real mechanism of The Fall.
In the book, "Bliss Of The Celibate," I make the point that we did not
"get expelled" from the Garden Of Eden all in one
day in the past. Rather, we continue to see ourselves pushed
further away from the garden gradually, day by day, as we indulge in
sexual sin.
"expulsion" keeps going on. For most it deepens each day that they read
another news story about overpopulation and ecological destruction, and
see their town grow less familiar, and less pleasant. But
I am going to emphasize here that the real "fall" doesn't occur through
any materia-logical, exo-mechanical
cause like "human overpopulation." That is only an exoteric corollary
of the real process.
The expulsion from Eden really originates at a metaphysical level
of one's
body, as a consequence of "vibratory pollution"
fills the body when we commit sexual sin. That sin occurring in your
body dynamically manifests negative changes in
your outer world, in the present..
If The World
Really Is Your Own Personal Dream?
First let's place on the table a teaching of many
sages: That
the entire
outer world is a false appearance that is occurring wholly in the now;
it is your own personal "false world dream," populated with many beings
just like your nightly dreams.
The great yogi Ramana Maharshi states
that each of us resurrects; or projects, the entire world again in the
moments in which we wake up and ego-consciousness stirs -- all the way
out to the farthest stars. For a typical mind, this is hard to believe.
But to
hide a great secret you might make it either improbable or too simple.
this view even our ideas about "history" and
"cause" are nothing but malleable components of our personal transitory
world drama. How many
times has it happened that a "fixed fact" from the past has turned out
to be false? New information comes to light so that past "facts" are
altered. There is a lot of beautiful land that surrounds my home, with
many fruit trees. Up
until I week ago, I thought all the avocados trees here had only small
avocados. But this week I
found a tree bearing a much larger variety. They were very big indeed.
And all along this tree was very near my door. The big avocados had
been hanging for a long time just above my head on a
that I walk daily. The facts just changed through a surprising
and delightful emergence in my life script. Such little miracles happen
all the time. "The Ugly Duckling" comes to mind as a story about how
one's "plot" can change. Situations that look bad can suddenly turn out
to be good, even better than dreamed.
"Facts" are seen to be a great flux. Even the
"historicity" of the world's existence is a flux and can become
altered by new discoveries. "History" is just one more malleable part
dream-plot. Just as screenwriters for "Star Wars" invented a history of
the Republic and the Jedi Knights, you also erect all of
the "historical facts" that you need to support your daily false
You actually re-create them every time you wake up in the morning. Then
periodically change even those "facts."
This theory of "the world as dream" has been supported
by my
long study of astrology,
my experiences with fasting
taking in different foods and substances, and also by my experiences
with sleep
and the astral plane.
Dissolve The World
Conscious departures from the body are something you
will be
able to
do after you practice a lot of meditation. I saw
that in conscious astral travel, the material world holds its form only
to the extent that we have imprinted
it in memory. In the astral state you can often see your
and other places, but these places and objects
begin to fade and
change as you let go of their memories. I realized that each
person dissolves his world each time he goes to sleep, then
re-manifests it in a trice as he begins to wake up. The "resurrection"
of the outer material plane occurs almost instantaneously as the
life force, which has been
turned away from your body in sleep, reverses back and "shoots" through
the "stencil" of your body again.
The reason you are aware of your body's physical form
on-and-off through the night is simply that your life force
fluctuates back-and-forth between "here" and "there." The reason you
find people back here who say: "Well, you were asleep, but I was here
and the world was still here" -- is that you believe that should be
the case; you
have "run this
experience" so many times, and now you manifest that "other" person who
that for you! (We carry deep samskaras, well built-up, for "others"
living out in a "world.")
The world
appears to be solid and substantial. Its solidness is a function of the
power of the outgoing life force. I have cognized that upon death, you
don't actually leave behind any world at all, or any person. You only
"seem to" if you believe
that you did and carry strong memories (imprints) of the
experience. Whatever you "return" to -- both after sleep or after
death -- is just your set of memory impressions (samskaras) lodged in
the body and being resurrected. The entire thing (world) is just an
extension of your own body. In reality when your body goes, it goes.
When you come back into a body, you re-erect all the externalizations
to go with it.
Once you understand this, you will understand that the
outer world is actually a completely malleable thing, and subject
to laws. And the laws get set up right within your own body. The outer
world, with its changing conditions, is predicated entirely on
conditions within your astral and physical body.
Now it follows that
the more pure your body, the more pure and beautiful your outer world.
This is the basic reason that by using a long fast, you can move tremendous
things out in the
outer world; you
can manifest
great external changes in your personal world, or even the macro world.
The purification of the fast purifies one's outer world; one almost
does a "reset" of the body, or at least moves nearer to the original
pure condition. Likewise, let us consider that various kinds of
impurities in
the body can darken one's outer world-movie in various predictable ways.
Inner Darkness Produces
The Outer Darkness
So now that we have posited the notion that the outer
might be your own personal dream, we will now develop the next idea:
That the "dream world" is as if "projected" through the "lens" of your
body. Thus things that appear
externally are nothing but proofs of what you carry internally. The
dream-world alters itself according to things within you.
can all remember times as a child when we ate something, perhaps
overindulged on Christmas candies, then had a nightmare. The nightmare
was really due to the "impurity" in your own
body. Let us consider that the same dynamic may be
occurring in the waking state. Certainly takers of certain drugs get
vivid experiences of
changes in the outer world when the drug is in their system. Again,
they live out that
dream because of something in them. I remember after a long fast, I
went and ate a hamburger.
Within an hour I came into very strange news of a violent and savage
murder. (It was the oddest thing: I was browsing in the "gardening"
section of a bookstore. Someone had misplaced a queer little book
there. I opened it right to a page recounting this horrible murder.)
Into the
"substrate" of my purified body I had dropped the substance of
red meat, seeing what was, in all likelihood, a matching reaction in my
false outer world dream.
Because the material had been dropped into a clear field, "reset" as it
were by my long fast, I got a keen glimpse of what red meat "produced"
in my
outer dream manifestation -- violence and murder of sentient beings.
In the same way that homeopathic pioneers "proved out" the effects of
substances by ingesting them, one can purify body and mind and then
"prove out" the external effects of various "vibratory elements" when
placed into the clear physical body or mind. (Consider the fact that
India, largely vegetarian, has experienced very
little of wars. Denizens of big meat-eating nations regularly see their
sons go off to get butchered.)
I draw the metaphor that your human body is like a
shines a "picture" on the screen of nature. (The Hindus call that
screen "prakriti," and the "screen" is also just inside of you.) The
picture is the world
and its conditions. Any time you introduce something into the crystal
-- an energy, an impurity -- it alters the color or form of the picture
that shines on the wall. It's as simple as the idea of a bit of lint on
a lens, appearing in a projected picture; or making hand characters on
the wall in
front of a projected light. You get the idea. Yogananda says that the
divine shakti flows
down our body with force, through our senses, and gives the apparent
reality and solidness to the outer world. When the shakti reverses
course, the outer dream dissolves. While outward-focused, whatever
vibrations are in us -- both at the
level of karmic samskaras and active consciousness --these vibrations
manifest in various ways out there in the external.
There is a very interesting statement in the
ancient Yoga-Vasistha that speaks of the "four humours" of the body. It
states that when one humour predominates, "one finds himself in a blind
running from enemies." When another humour predominates in the body,
one "finds himself amid feasting with happy womenfolk," and so on. He
is hinting that outer phenomena are based on subtle things within the
body, we could think of them as vibrational things in the body.
By much experiment I have realized that indulging the sexual thrill,
which takes place at a particular lower
chakra, was like attaching an "electrode" to a certain part of the
crystal. This in turn causes a certain class of "pictures" to
manifest on the wall of one's life. The sex thrill is actually a kind
of "vibrational impurity" that changes the outer world-picture in
definite ways. You will be able to test this and see. You could think
of sexual excitation as a kind of "dark homeopathic" you are
doing in your body, and it definitely
alters the sort of exterior phenomena that
you generate. You could
even think of adharmic sex as a kind of "black ritual" that you perform
attracts definite events and conditions to you. Let's now put it in a
bald-faced way: Let's say there is such a thing as "sin," and let's say
that "sin" is predicated on laws that are hard-wired into the very
fabric of creation. And let's say that it is possible to generate in
your body the "vibration" of a particular sin, as if a black cloud
generated in various areas of your body. That black cloud, that sin,
will alter the kind of outer world-pictures you manifest.
After getting really well established in good sexual
restraint, I had a few lapses. Following the lapses, very negative
conditions would immediately develop in certain areas of my life. The
negative developments were of a familiar class that I used to
experience many times in the past. I could
see the phenomena as clearly as when I ate that hamburger after a fast.
The correlation between the sex indulgence and the new negative
conditions became unmistakable.
I had been musing about this the past year. Then
one day it it really hit me in the face:
I was thinking about my young
life and the period where I discovered masturbation and became a sex
addict. I realized that starting that year the outer world began
to change
in dramatic and negative ways. Within that very month the
world -- from my family, to my neighborhood, all the way up through
kings, oceans, and skies -- began to fall apart.
Kicked Out Of The
Garden --
The Month and Year
I was only thirteen when I somehow was led -- by my own
samskaras and the wrong media influences -- to experiment with
masturbation. From then I was hooked and I hemorrhaged my precious life
substance, more precious than my blood, enacting what is really a sort
of "black homeopathic" in my body. I was really like a young calf who
was bleeding
uncontrollably. With no wise father to teach me and guide me I was
locked in
a mortal struggle. And starting from that time I manifested my
own personal "expulsion from the Garden." And this, my good readers, is
the real expulsion from Eden. It might be stunning if you see this the
first time in your own life. There I was at thirteen
and the whole world began to change:
-- Several natural fields near my house, ones
loved because they were wild and with trees, got paved with asphalt
and turned into parking lots or high rises. One I was especially fond
of had fruit trees in it. Definitely losing "the garden" there! Then I
began to see this going on all over my town.
-- My mother and father began to not get along, and then
divorced dad. A major blow, the end of Camelot, and truly an expulsion
from the Garden for the child that I was.
-- Articles began appearing about overpopulation (Hint, Hint!)
-- The nuns at my school began showing us movies about
Africans and children
-- There began to be much alarm about ecological
disasters and
pollution. Books like "Silent Spring," "The Population Bomb" and others
began to appear.
-- The horrid "car culture"
began to develop around me. I began to feel that streets were showing
up everywhere in my town. They got wider and wider. They were filling
up with strangers, blasting insensibly through my neighborhood in their
rolling isolation units.
-- I began to sense how an increasing
population was making my town feel different. Peoples who were foreign
and unfriendly began moving into our neighborhood. It felt like
everything was speeding up. Never again those early evenings, with a
calmness in the air, and the sense of gentle people around in our town,
and the smell of dinner cooking as I walked down a friendly street...
-- Society began to seem very confused. It seemed to be
falling apart.
I lost my father when he moved out of the house and without his moral
support and modeling I had a low self-esteem and morale through high
school. The bad feelings fed my sex addiction. Nothing in the world
seemed to make sense. There were no answers. In an empty home with a
ambitious single mother, life seemed empty and pointless.
Here the typical mind will laugh and say: "Well,
all of this was happening in the world.
It couldn't have had anything to do with you personally." But
the sages
teach that "all is subjective." Everything that you see out there is
just "you." They also teach that whatever you experience -- from the
cracks in your sidewalk to the tail of a far away comet -- is all just
own personal karma. And, yogic sages teach that certain actions create
"instant karma."
And it is obvious that not all people at all
times experience
the same sort of world. Certainly there were other people in the 1960's
and 70's who were experiencing a world-story much different from mine.
Maybe they didn't watch T.V. Maybe their family was not divorcing.
Maybe they were in some little sheltered culture somewhere. All is
subjective and each really lives in his own separate world. Nobody's
world is exactly
the same. The entire world dream -- including all
the people that you populate it with -- are just you and your dream.
realize now that this was my actual "fall" from the Garden. I was
bringing it entirely upon myself, not in the past but here and now. By
disturbing my "inner ground," I brought disturbance to the "outer
ground." (Later on as I matured and remained sunk in sex addiction, I
continued my "Fall" with continued bad news-of-the-world, a terrible
divorce and loss of my family life, and so on.) I "fell from the
Garden" for a very long time.
Even indulging in certain thoughts, or certain types of
speech sets up vibrations in you; these vibrations manifest definite
reactions, people and
circumstances in your life. Whenever I speak a lot of harsh words, for
example, I begin to encounter cars rolling down the street blaring rap
music, pounding my ears with sub-woofers. How much more the powerful
act of sex, and when
out of dharmic context. What it is: A kind of
"dark homeopathic" that sets up a dark vibration in your body, and
manifests definite outer conditions. (More later on the
"Divine Eye" who always watches
what you do with sex and reacts to
As I have been mulling this over in my restrained years,
considered that this strange "homeopathic" I performed in my younger
years might naturally generate appropriate outer themes.
What "themes" could be more appropriate -- connected to wanton
sexing -- than "overpopulation,"
"starvation," and ecological
out in the
world dream? It's a match. By performing the procreative act over and
over again in my body in a dissonant, adharmic context,
I was
phenomena of over-procreation (and its related conditions) externally
in my world-dream. I was building up a powerful vibration of
spiritual pollution in my body, and seeing related effects outside in
my world-movie.
The new over-population story was, like everything else out there, just
me. Eden began to disappear.
for the environmentalist: Those
beautiful people who are concerned about the terrible ecological
destruction going on in our world should add this to their repertoire:
Try renouncing
immoral sex. Do it for a while and watch for changes in "the
news." Give it some time. I'll wager that you will never see a positive
change without
your own sexual restraint and dharmic morality. To find out what
"dharmic morality" is, just study the old Buddhist canons. Christianity
is in perfect step with Buddhism and Yoga in many ways. Meanwhile, for
all Christians who don't see the destruction of the Creator's world as
sinful thing, I think that attitude is a serious error.
My sexual sin also produced trends in the people of the
They became like me. Yogananda suggests that when a man indulges in
unlawful sex, he is being overcome in that moment by his less rational,
female desire nature. Thus I manifested a desire-mad mother who upset
the apple cart of our family. In fact, I manifested an entire society
full of desire-mad females and the decline of the family everywhere. I
also manifested lustful sex-addicted men everywhere. As
I cultivated my secret ignorance, ignorance began to manifest all
around me in my world. As I raised the vibration of lust, lust and
desire began to manifest in the men and women of the world. As I became
a desire being wantonly giving in to desires, desire-beings manifested
in my world.
was the sort of theory I began to develop. I have been able to test it
and find it true. This is actually how we get
"kicked out of the garden" more and more with each passing day. Later
you can think back and
test all this for yourself. If you are one of the many who has been
misled to indulge in immoral, non-procreative sex, I invite you to ask
a question to yourself. Take yourself to the time when you began to do
that and note what changes began to occur in your personal world then,
as well as the greater world. What sort of things began to appear in
the news? Think back to that time and those first years, as much
as you can. You will especially be able to see the change if you were
fortunate to avoid sex addiction till later. You will have a better
conscious comparison to make between before and after.
You will also be able to test this theory by taking corrective
measures, then watching the results. When you take
the corrective measures and watch the results, you will see that it is
all true.
Garden Back
I proved my "inner ground" theory further to myself by
pursuing sexual restraint. By
doing so, I began to see the return of the Garden to my own life. By
becoming restrained, storms subsided in my life; personal traumas faded
away. My life became more stable. Then I began to see the larger world
gradually regain elements of stability; in certain key areas it is
beginning to turn around. It takes
time. I have
some pet
ecological and civic dreams; things I want to see happening in the
world more. I love how, as I cultivate my celibacy -- firm up my inner
ground -- I can go down to the coffee shop and see clear signs of
change just reading the paper. It will begin in your own back yard,
then Eden
will fan out again from there.
The garden now
returns for me. My personal life has become more stable and less
as I have practiced sexual restraint. My "Garden Return" even happens
in literal terms, like finding fruit trees and beautiful
land all around me where I live. I can walk outside my door and pull a
variety of healthy fruit from the trees. I did not plan this or make an
effort. God himself ushers the moral man or woman back into a brighter
life and a brighter world. It takes time! Think of all the years that
you have been building up the vibration of sin in your body! You have
been building a "dark house" for a long time. And this
is a fact: The change
back to the
Garden will involve some upset and collapse in the exterior world. Some
of these changes will be traumatic. As
energy is withdrawn from the evil matrix that a man has built up, the
process of collapse can entail some spectacular events in the outer
macro-world. But it will be all for the best. The evil house you create
has to fall. It is like a dramatic avalanche that signals the warming
of spring. More on that another time.
Great "Inner
The best metaphor is to say that a man has an "inner ground." His
sexual energy stored up becomes that "ground." Perhaps it is true for
the female, too. But I can't speak for them. A man learns to know when
he has disturbed his "inner ground" through sexual loss or even
excitation. He begins to feel the difference in himself -- the
difference between states when his "inner ground" is fallow and
undisturbed, and when it has been disturbed.
The male becoming inwardly aware comes to perceive this inner
keenly. (In "Bliss Of The Celibate" I show how the male orgasm is the
period, and how it disturbs and demoralizes him, same as a female's
As my "inner ground" began
to become firmer and firmer through sexual restraint, the occasional
lapse would make things obvious to see. The contrast, both in
inner feelings and outer events, was so very clear. In reality the male
sexual orgasm is an "earthquake" in his inner ground.
When he indulges in it, he sees "earthquakes" in his exterior
world. His exterior world becomes damaged.
If you are into astrology, you can even use astrology to
easily pinpoint exactly where sex excitation messes up your life. I am
an astrologer by
profession. I noticed that after a lapse in sexual morality, big
troubles would occur in the "houses" (areas of life) where my Pluto and
Mars sit.
Indulgence Especially
Disturbs Houses Of Life Occupied by Your Pluto and Mars
Everyone has a planet Pluto and Mars, and for everyone
it sits in a particular "house" of your chart. (I use something called
a "relocated natal chart" for more accuracy in astrology.) In any case,
I found that whenever I
indulged and disturbed my inner ground, there would be major
disturbances in the specific "houses/realms of life" occupied by Pluto
and Mars. (Traditionally
these two planets are strongly tied to sex energy.) So if the Pluto is
in a man's Third House, sexual indulgence will correlate to things
like: hard drive crashes, negative experiences commuting, threatening
letters, difficulty walking or seeing, and other third house
calamities. If a man indulges when he has Pluto in his Fifth, he'll see
terrible situations develop for his children. If the Pluto sits in the
Second, sexual indulgence will occasion severe money stresses. If in
eighth, he may find himself threatened with a lawsuit within days of
the indulgence. These developments will show up within a day or two, or
even hours. What actually happens is that sex-indulgence
makes your Pluto and Mars become as if "poisonous" to the houses where
they sit! So I was able to see it all working in very real
specific ways. I found that by keeping my ground firm, these
frightening phenomena subside. Basically, if you will just pull away
from sin, the worst things in your astrological chart dry up and go
My, my. Who'd a thunk it? There's grace for ya...
Know How to Save The
I have found that by becoming celibate, plus learning to
commune with the inner Divinity, you will see the "world get saved" on
its own. The false outer world-dream naturally upgrades. If you feel
like working to help the world with external activities, go ahead. The
thoughts and actions are most effective. Whether you do this or not,
the Garden
returns. If you ever hear about a
world where land is disappearing, where once pristine areas are
becoming overpopulated and despoiled, or charming towns being overrun
by cars and materialism -- this is always nothing but a manifestation
of your own inner pollution; the disturbance to your own inner ground.
If you ever hear about a beautiful land -- one that is
waiting for you -- one better than the one you know, this is nothing
but a fruit of your own inner ground as it builds up. As you build up
the "sacred ground" within you, the ground -- literal land itself
-- appears externally. This is the
reward of sexual morality. The old Europeans who lived a life of
"there's a
new land over the sea full of good things" -- these were just moral
people enjoying fruit from the buildup of their inner ground.
Christianity guided them, as a mass culture, to be moral in their
handling of sex energy. (Those who think that their forefathers were
masturbators, or that our ancestors practiced the same sexual license
of modernes, are badly deluded.) With
purification your story also will change for the better. After a few
calamities, as the energy is withdrawn from the old matrix, beautiful
land and
culture begins to return.
God becomes immediately very pleased by a man or woman's
effort to practice moral restraint and follow the original
law. That law is fixed at the foundation of the very fabric of
Every Deva salutes you; every Lord of Nature stands aside for you.
The parable about the
Prodigal Son should be
held in mind. God is very pleased to see you turn back. Begin now your
journey back to the Pure Land.
Within Equals Beauty
I spent many years reading religious scriptures. My
focus is the scriptures of Yoga and Hinduism which deal with
discovering God directly within. This idea that the world is our own
emanation is stated in many eastern scriptures. It is especially
developed in The Yoga-Vasistha, the world's longest book containing the
teaching of Sage Vasistha to the divine incarnation, Rama. But the
further idea, that sexual immorality directly disturbs that emanation,
took time to find plainly stated. It was my experience and careful
observation that enabled me to discover it. On the other
hand, this principle is plainly
stated in the yogic scriptures. I have recently discovered the
straight talking and highly focused mystical literature of the Sikhs.
Listen to Guru Nanak
lay it on the line:
who does not control the fluid is unwise.
who waste the fluid
are tyrannized by Kal [the negative power].
...He who wastes the fluid gets into extreme troubles.
...Those who waste
the fluid
suffer greatly.
...He who does not control the fluid is degraded
...Those who waste the fluid lose all.
who does not
control the
fluid is sent to hell [not later, but in the here and now].
...By self control depression disappears.
...By self control one gets knowledge of all things.
...By self control one crosses the ocean of the world.
...By self control one gets
From "Pran Sangli" of Guru Nanak, Founder of Sikhism
Note: I have taken these verses
from a
piece by Guru Nanak having approximately
40 such verses on "wasting the fluid," and have listed them in my own
order here.
From the Yoga-Vasistha, the words of the sage Vasistha
teaching the divine incarnation Rama:
those who have gained internal composure, the whole world becomes
cool and calm, while, to persons molten in the furnace of internal
the whole world is one huge conflagration."
Sage Vasistha, The Yoga-Vasistha
Comment: The
world does not merely "seem" to be a "huge conflagration"; i.e. through
a mere attitudinal perspective of the sinner. Rather, the outer world
actually becomes this
for him by dynamic metaphysical law. Of all inner desires, there are
none more disturbing than the
sexual desires and sexual activation. It is a tamasic vibration
in the body
(dark, ignorant), originating in the lower, more dualistic chakras, and
manifests a tamasic outer
Then from the ancient Vedas of India comes this highly
significant statement:
the tapas (austerity) of brahmacharya the king protects his state."
Atharva Veda
The king's sexual continence does not protect the
merely because the deity is "pleased," and therefore protects his
realm for him.
The king sees
his kingdom prosper because his
celibacy keeps his outer world-dream undisturbed!
Every man and woman lives in
his own kingdom, out to the farthest stars. Every man heals and
protects his world with moral continence. This includes the entire
outer world-movie, environmental news -- the whole thing. You are the
projector of your own world, and it upgrades itself through sexual
morality. Here's a beautiful one from the Rig-Veda:
blows the wind for one who lives
according to rita
moral law).
The rivers pour
sweet for him,
and plants bear
The male creative substance, one must notice, is very beautiful. It is of
the nature
of beautiful white pearl.
This is very significant. In fact, the male creative substance is the
essence of beauty in the male body. It is this substance in the body
that lends beauty and natural order to the outer world. When a man
foolishly drains it from his is body, the beauty necessarily
drains from
that man's outer world-dream, and natural order disappears. His world
becomes unbalanced, twisted and perverted like him. When it is kept
in the body,
beauty and glory return to his outer world. Slowly but surely, the
"garden" returns for him on
all levels,
day by day.
World "Follows" The
Great Man
The Bhagavad-Gita, India's most popular yogic scripture,
carries a mysterious verse that implies this truth -- that of the outer
world "upgrading" according to one's inner virtue. This verse is
generally overlooked or misunderstood. The verse had bothered me
for many years. It appears to make a statement that is untrue on
its face. But when considered in the
present context, the verse finally makes sense. It is saying
something more profound that the commentators have imagined. It often
happens that the greatest occult secrets in life are sitting out in
plain view, staring us in the face. Here is the verse:
"Whatsoever a great man doeth,
that other
men also do;
the standard he setteth up, by that the people go."
Krishna, The
Bhagavad-Gita, Verse 3:21, Translation of Annie Besant
Some translations use "sage" instead of "great man," but
translators use "great man." Taken at face value, this verse is highly
perplexing. Men are
considered "great" in all kinds of ways, and for all kinds of reasons.
"Greatness" is often associated with mere fame or notoriety. Many
considered "great" today are clearly not great on any moral or
intellectual plane. Nowadays those who pass for "great" are mere actors
or politicians, corrupting the earth. They can't be the ones Krishna
But even if we take those considered morally or
intellectually great, it is generally not the case that the world
follows their example except maybe during their lifetime. Commentators
analyzing this verse sometimes point to personalities like Mahatma
Ghandi or
Christ as examples of "great men." It is easy to argue that the masses
do not follow
their example today. Only a few follow their example, and then usually
in fits and starts. Mahatma Ghandi set an example
of renunciation and simplicity. Do the masses follow today?
Christ set an example of purity, seclusion, and mercy, and the
demonstration of yogic siddhis. Do today's masses follow that example?
this verse states that the masses, or the "people," do in fact follow
the way of the
"great man." So we must be talking about a special kind of great man,
and a
special kind of process by which they "follow."
Commentators, blandly, take it to mean example setting.
the meaning of this verse has been hidden from them. It speaks of
occult law by which the entire world upgrades for the celibate during
his life. This is the way "all the people follow" the great man. Only
celibate is truly great, and only he witnesses this principle in
action. This "great man" or sage can therefore witness it from a
private place, in an anonymous and uncelebrated life. These are the
great men.
No man is in fact great who does not follow the moral
law. But
for this man, other men become pure as he becomes pure. He develops
power to actually "influence" the entire world occultly, since he finds
the whole world originating with his own body. So even sitting in
a secluded place and unknown to all, the whole world "follows" him.. As
that true "great man" becomes pure, his whole world
And the celibate has even greater powers for lifting his
world, powers beyond his
stored sexual ojas.
In Inner Bliss
Manifests Blissful Outer Conditions
On one level we can talk about basic human duty: The
preserving of the sexual energy, except for procreation, is the
cornerstone of civilized humanity. It is also the cornerstone of higher
philosophy, or dharma. The central moral dharma is to treat the
creative energy
sacred. To treat a thing as sacred, one doesn't use it casually;
use it primarily for personal pleasure; doesn't use it outside of
its natural
holistic context;
doesn't ignore, much less thwart, it's inherent purpose.
inherent purpose of sex is the
creation and full upbringing of a child by its own mother and father. Each child chooses
its parents
from the astral plane through natural karmic ties.
When not intentionally creating a child in a family
with its mother, then one should store up sex potential in the body,
it belong to
God alone.
In decadent America this sounds severely conservative.
it is certainly conservative. And it conserves truth and the traditions
of our anscestors. It conserves good sense. It conserves
physical vitality, moral stamina, harmonious relations, and the
holistic natural family life. It conserves a safe and nurturing place
for children, and this view conserves fruitful society. The logical
exoteric dynamics of this standard conserves much good in the world.
I have also trumpeted here the fact that this
conservative view has an occult
It brings the actual upgrade of
one's outer world. Because the sexual energy is itself pure beauty and
virtue, this practice by itself causes beauty and virtue to build up in
the outer world with time. By not abusing the creative power one one
gives up fundamental sin; the sin that most alienates us from the
But there is more beyond this. The storing up sex
potential in
the body lays the
ground for profound God-contact;
to experience and then abide
in God's pure Being,
and Bliss. This then brings even
higher transcendental vibrations into your own body, and thus the world.
The Higher Your Inner Bliss, the
Beautiful Your Outer World
has an
important occult
role in attaining higher spiritual states via meditation.
continence serves as the base and fuel from which we may ascend to the
state of
samadhi, experience the pure Consciousness, Being and Bliss
God's nature, and
finally become one with Brahman, the absolute divinity. The creative
subtle power stored within allows us to engage and
merge with
entirely pure creative power. Our body is then changed at an occult
level, and consequently out outer world-dream.
The great yogi Maharishi Mahesh yogi
wrote: "Being glorifies
"Being" refers to the Pure Being of God, or
"Sat." Here "karma" refers to the entire outer world experience.
The "glorification"
of karma
means that the entire karmic experience is upgraded when one
immerses himself
in that pure Being. The profound sacrifice of celibacy allows us to
immerse ourselves in the pure Being of God and
his bliss nature, which is perfect, non-dual and free of flaws and
sorrows. As we immerse ourselves more and more in That, through the
power of celibacy, our body becomes divinized. Then divine effulgence,
such as we have never seen, begins to bursts forth onto the
canvas of our outer world. The world again becomes an angelic realm for
us. Exterior glories are reflections of glories
The other day toward dusk I was out and about on our
land. I
enjoying a big cigar and walking our pug. At that time I saw a sunset I
could not
believe. The sun had just disappeared beneath the horizon. High in the
upper sky was a nebula of clouds. It was a fascinating vortex of pearl.
Bursting from this orgasmic diaspora were small V-like formations of
cloud that marched
eastward in an evenly repeated pattern. They stood like arcane
hatchmarks, or soldiers in perfect array against the blue. It seemed
that some cosmic schoolmaster was telegraphing an arcane alphabet,
repeated for his pupil all the way to the east. Each standing stroke
smaller as
the train of shapes disappeared into a fulminating mist in the upper
eastern sky. It was too beautiful to describe -- both
orgasmic and well-ordered. If an
artist had conceived such a sky for the cover of a
science fiction book, the editor would have sent it back, saying it was
too beautiful, and yet so uncannily well ordered, that it was not to be
believed. Even a
Hollywood computer artist would not have conceived that a sky could
ever be this beautiful.. I felt I was getting a glimpse of a higher
world. That same day I received very good news about my
daughters, plus good news in the paper about the direction of the
people. I realized my world upgrading, bit by bit.
This higher divine principle of transcendental bliss
manifesting outward is offered again in one of
the most profound of all
yogic scriptures, the ancient Jivan-Mukti Viveka. It was composed by
Vidyaranya, the minister to an ancient king, and a great yogi
and adept:
whose mind is dissolved in that
vast ocean of absolute Consciousness and Bliss,
the Supreme Brahman, his family derives its sanctity,
his mother, the fulfillment of her cherished hopes
and desires and the
earth becomes
replete with
pious merit of a high order."
The verse in a condensed form:
him...the earth becomes replete with pious merit of a high order,"
This is true for him even if he sits in seclusion,
completely unknown to the world. The mystery of Gita verse 3:21 is
solved. This is very good news !
Another verse from the Sikhs sums up the spiritual law:
is uplifted along with the Brahmajnani."
[e.g. the Knower of Brahman].
v. Sukhmani
Even the Sage Lao
Tzu Says It !
China's ancient Tao
Te Ching
speaks of the "Tao,"
translated as "Way." In verse 37 the sage Lao Tzu speaks of the outcome
of "holding to the way," or "abiding" in the Way. He whispers
through the ages this
same truth:
that the outer
world is our own emanation, and that it is upgraded through
our own pure
behavior and God-contact.
man is Adam; ever man is his own Manu, or Lawgiver. Study the two
verses below. I see
here that "Tao"
refers to the Sat-Chit-Ananda
of the Lord.
(Being, Consciousness, and Bliss.) This tao, when known,
accrues to
satisfaction and desirelessness. He
speaks of the "nameless uncarved block" which I take as the pure consciousness
of the Divine
Nature within. Here
is the verse via two different translators:
Tao never does anything,
yet through it all
things are
If powerful men
and women could
centre themselves in it,
the whole world
would be
by itself, in its
People would be
with their simple,
in harmony, and
free of desire.
When there is no
all things are at
Te Ching, An
Illustrated Journey
by Stephen
Mitchell, Frances Lincoln Limited
Way never acts yet nothing is left undone.
Should lords and
princes be
able to hold fast to it,
The myriad
creatures will be
transformed of their own accord.
After they are
should desire raise its head,
I shall press it
down with the
weight of the nameless uncarved block.
The nameless
uncarved block
Is but freedom
from desire,
And if I cease to
desire and
remain still,
The empire will be
at peace of
its own accord.
Tao Te
Ching, Trans. by
D.C. Lao, Penguin Classics
Much of the Tao Te Ching consists of advice to kings for
rulership. The translator of the first selection has modernized and
diffused the usual "lords
and princes"
into "powerful men and
But these verses repeat the revelation that one sees his external
"kingdom" (and the myriad creatures) upgrade simply by "abiding in the
Tao" personally. One could interpret further that the true "king" is
the one who pursues the Tao. These are the "natural elite" of the
world, and end up royalty anyway, over incarnational time. To "press
down with the weight of the nameless uncarved block"
means to incline more deeply into the satisfaction-bliss of the Lord
within, which makes one desireless. This imbues the external world and
its peoples with desirelessness and true satisfaction. When the people
are seen becoming
ignorant again, diving deep into the satchitananda is the eternal
Celibacy makes a man able to make this dive; to abide in Tao.
This same mystery -- that the world takes care of itself
through illumination of our own mind and body -- is confirmed in the
Bhagavad Gita. Krishna
when he stands satisfied in the Self and by the Self,
for him there is
nothing to be
So you see, you have the power to save your own world,
that of all
others. Not by egoic activity. Not by running about "fixing" external
things. The sage, when externally focused, naturally inclines toward
action that will be helpful to others. For example, I spend some time
now and then working on these websites, because when I become
externalized and look out and see a "world" that needs "fixing," my
logical mind says that the most helpful thing for the people would be
knowledge and understanding of eternal law, and the path to God within.
If one is going to spend time externalized, it is only natural at those
to try to figure out the best way to serve. All great yogis, sages and
saints end up doing beneficial charitable work as a matter of course.
But they don't delude themselves that these external activities are
actually what saves the world. Christ mocked those who felt that they
could fix the world by external effort. He said: "The
poor [worldly duality, sorrow] you
will always have with you." To world fixers he
pointed out: "You
can't even
add one inch to your own height," much less save the
world. If I
see ignorant people and negative conditions "out in a world" that need
fixing, this is caused at root by my own inner pollution. Chasing about
to "help the world" externally is like laboring to empty out the sea
using a little tablespoon.
When clouds rise up and rain falls, the sea fills up again. And
every time your monkey mind moves about gathering up impressions of
dualism and sin, your world fills up with more sorrows. The true work
to save the world is my own inner purification. It gives
more dramatic results.
This is why Buddha said: "There
is nothing you can truly do to help the world except to get your own
enlightenment." So this power to entirely save the world
within you,
your own inner purification, celibacy, and meditation. Nothing else
will accomplish it, yet it will be accomplished.
Now do you see how
very good the Lord is?
When a man
has an orgasm, it is a profound, occult, inner earthquake. But I have
found that even
titillation disturbs
the inner ground. Many men when developing restraint want
"have it both ways." They want sex thrills
plus the benefits of restraint. So some pursue the trick of merely
retaining their semen though
indulging sexual lust anyway. I myself was in this category for some
And it is a far wiser thing than losing the treasure.
However, I found that this sort of chicanery involves a "churning" of
your inner ground. You could compare it to an earthquake
where the earth moves slowly -- not suddenly or violently -- but it
does tremendous damage just the same to structures of the land. I found
that even this sort of indulgence; the stimulation; the vibration of
the lower chakras -- creates outer negative manifestations. You are
still creating inner "pollution." (One of the favorite terms of Swami
Shivananda for the sex thrill.) Many
so-called "tantric" and "Taoist" notions cause men to keep
shenanigans going. Once you go
far in celibacy, the only positive path is to keep the inner ground
firm, undisturbed -- sanctified. That means no excitation.
The ripe celibate comes to loathe all sexual excitation.
He does not
females behaving around him in such a way as to "turn him on." He
considers it rude,
and inconsiderate
when women dress like
whores. Not to mention "low class." The visually-oriented male realizes
it as a form of sexual
molestation. When men return to this attitude it results in an entirely
different sort of culture and civilization than what we are seeing
today (in which the females now dress like whores). When there are many
males like this, it brings a return to the more elegant and beautiful
human culture of the past, where human sex energy acts like sap in the
tree of human culture, producing all kinds of beautiful fruit:
excellent architecture and town layout, beautiful clothing, delicate
and complex social niceties, refined language and conversation, and so
on. Males sunk in
ignorance want the
around them to look "sexy" (lust-inducing) so they can feel "turned
on." The ignorant female obliges, creating a grotesque social
environment from the point
of view of the restrainer. The restrainer and
true celibate would rather that the ladies have a little class and
cover themselves up decently. Like a farmer who has an excellent
stallion in his eastern pasture, he acts as an intelligent manager of
its sexual powers. Just as that husbandman would not appreciate idiots
walking by
with mares, arousing his stallion out of season, the enlightened
male feels molested when women around him display their body indecently
like club strippers. He does not want the "stallion" of his
sexual energy aroused "out of season," or out of right context. (Right
context is the private realm of marriage and the home, and the assumed
prospect of procreation.) Until
enlightened females and civilization return, the good man on the street
must look
away and avoid places where the more ignorant sort of female goes.
When you finally recognize sexual excitation as
spiritual and
metaphysical pollution, you will begin working on ways to avoid it even
in sleep -- which is the most difficult of all frontiers for mastery.
Even regular excitation during sleep darkens the outer world-movie.
For the really ripened celibate, there is a new
too. As you go deeper your lapses begin to correlate with outer negative manifestations
that are more and more spectacular. There is seen the
contrast between the life you've been building as you've built your
inner ground, and the old pathetic life. You are building up a house
within and without, and the further along you are in building, the
greater the tragedy when you
ignorantly knock it down from its new heights.
Food Of God
This brings me to the fact that the energy retained through restraint,
if one does spiritual practices, ignites in a process of God-communion.
To become celibate or restrained, spiritual practices such as
meditation help the most. But it also works in the opposite direction: Celibacy or even
restraint assist
profoundly in spiritual realization. This is why the yogic
monastic paths require it! You can have a good technique, and even
devotion. But to contact the transcendental you must be full of the
creative power. Then that power becomes how you interact with the
Creator. What I found is that the inner
ground -- the ojas that you are storing up in your body -- becomes like
the food of God.
In old movies the villagers use torches that have some
kind of
substance -- probably tar or resin -- at the top that burns. The built
up sexual energy is that which
"burns" as a
man becomes God-illumined. It's what lets him become a light. It is
what makes him a burning fire of spiritual influence. At my
I tell
Christ's Biblical parable of the "three brides." One "bride" uses up
the "oil" in her "lamp" and was thus abandoned at the wedding night.
This story makes little sense on the face, but in context of esoteric
meditation is ringingly clear. The "oil" is the sexual fluid and energy
that gets spread in a subtle way all through the body. The saints call
it "ojas" and Native American shamans called it "orenda." This is what
lets you interact with the Divinity. The "friction" you then feel
yourself make with the the Divinity; that "resistance," is what creates
a new being and sets you spiritually ablaze.
Your retained sexual energy is what makes you an
"match" for God, your True Mate. I have felt more
and more that in deeper meditation the mystic has a kind
of "intercourse" with God that is very exhausting and difficult at
times. As the Lord penetrates you further, it is even somewhat painful
at times. I am a normal heterosexual . But a man who meditates deeply
senses that to the Divinity, he plays as if a "female" role. He is the
receiver. (And there is a mystery inside of this that speaks to human
male-female relations. But later.) After sexual lapses, I always felt
that I could not bear
deep meditation; that I was no longer a "match" for God. I felt that I
no longer could provide "friction" for that interaction. I felt as if I
was a "wife" who had become sexually like a wet paper bag, or a gaping
hole, who could no longer provide any "resistance" to her husband. I no
longer had enough to bring to the bargain. To engage the Creative
Power one must be right full with the Creative Power. I could feel it
so clearly.
Only later I read about certain celibate yogic saints
that the stored-up sexual energy, the ojas, is like the food of God.
They say that the "Shakti" delights in it. This is from a post I
recently found on
talks extensively on the value of celibacy
as an adjunct to spiritual
practise; how the kundalini LOVES the
energy of and feeds on ojas and
shakti which is greatly pronounced
when semen is maintained. And this
certainly bears out my experiences
during [Transcendental Meditation]."
In particular I have found
that the inner Om, the Holy
Pranava, is
heard easily when pursuing sexual restraint. (It doesn't have to be
perfect celibacy -- just make the effort, son.) I don't
have any scriptural citations, but I have doubts whether one can
perceive the inner Aum easily without at least being very sexually
Certainly one can't hold on to it. Without a build up of ojas, I truly
doubt whether one can handle
it. It is too much. With a sanctified buildup of ojas -- the subtle
sexual energy within -- a saint or yogi becomes able to
"interact" with the Divinity. Then a fruitful "friction" can take
place. A divine
fire is felt, more and more, burning within. Finally that fire consumes
ego and
The Great New House
You've Been Building Come Crashing Down Again
After making good progress in celibacy for a while, I
astonished at the turn of outer events whenever I lapsed. They would
appear within the day. In addition to a marked feeling of inner
turbulence, my whole outer world would begin to
apart. Many negative things would begin to occur -- serious things
-- especially in the houses occupied by my Pluto and Mars. Because I
had been
keeping my ground firm for so long; because I had come so far, I could
perceive the contrast both inwardly and outwardly. I could feel that
God was casting me back toward my low station of years before. I was
brought back to an inner state that I had forgotten -- the way it felt
to be a young man sunk in masturbation. My world then was falling
apart, too. But I was not conscious of what was happening to me. Now,
so far
along, I felt that same "inner falling apart" take place with clarity
against the background of my long restraint, and could see the "outer
falling apart" recommence. It was as clear as a whisp of black smoke
against a bright autumn sky.
Once you "engage" the Divine Lord with your ojas, once it is "lit," it
is as if a current sets up. You are now moving in a dynamic process.
When God really takes you
He is like a mother lioness is with her prey. Once she has you, she
never lets you go. I realized that once God takes possession of that
inner "ojas" -- that
built-up sexual power -- the effects are devastating when you suddenly
make it unavailable (by stealing it away for the wasteful and passing
thrill of orgasm).
Once he has you, once that relationship has been created, it rocks your
world to put a bubble in the pipeline. It as if before you were a
flame, but now you have
dampened the
flame and black smoke forms. The greater flame you were, the worse the
smoke. It is interesting that in the
Bhagavad-Gita Krishna compares sexual lust to "smoke" -- he says that
"as smoke covers a flame, so lust covers everything." This "inner
smoke" occurs as we indulge in sexual sin and darkens our outer world.
I have now seen it so clearly. At these times of lapse, a man who has
been lifted high by the good karma, by God's favor, gets dashed to the
ground. You have taken away the communion; the food of God. You were
being given a lot. You had a lot of protection. The divinity within was
stabilizing your life and you didn't realize it. Eden was trying to
form around you but now you have sent it an earthquake again. Now
consequences occur naturally by law. That is the way that it is. Be
warned. Test it and see! The man who is deeply sunk in sexual
indulgence and sin, who has not built up his inner ground yet, won't be
able to perceive as much contrast between sinning and not sinning. His
life and world were already a swirling mess anyway. But
for the man who is getting established, whose life was being healed,
the contrast will be clear.
I would never go back to my old life; my old
crisis-ridden life.
In the higher spiritual life of meditation, celibacy is key. I often
talk to people who use my same meditation technique, but who
seem to get little out of it. I believe that my celibacy alone has been
what has enabled me to penetrate into mysteries of meditation. This is
what they lack. It is the sexual restraint that has allowed me to
perceive and then lock onto the transcendental perceptions. And I would
not give them up for anything. I will not go back to the life of lust
and false pleasure which rocks the garden and brings only sorrow.
Divine Eye
Most who believe in a Creator accept the idea that the Creator is
all-seeing, that he sees and hears all things at all times; that he
knows our thoughts etc. I believe this is true, but I believe that
there are certain moments when the creator Really Sees and pays
attention more than at other times. And the greatest case of this is
the moment of the human orgasm.
I believe that at the time of orgasm one ascends, as it were, very
close to
the meads of God. The blissful moment of orgasm is what makes people
get addicted to it. I believe that at that moment one gets a connection
to the God in which the Divine Eye takes more notice of you. Here I
will use a couple of analogies that are not quite right, but give you
the idea.
We hear that the government monitors many communications
the National Security Administration. The notion is that certain
communications, containing certain words, etc., arise from the
multitude to
receive more attention by agents there. In the same way, when man and
woman perform the sex act, they rise to notice by the divine being. In
the recent Tolkien movies (Lord of The Rings, etc.) there is a
situation where putting on a ring makes one seen by the evil Sauron. At
that time one gets his full notice. In this same way the Good Lord, I
think, sees every man and woman very clearly when they engage in the
creative act. It is like a father who has a son. As days go on the
father does not ask to be informed of every little thing that happens
with the son. But at certain times -- son's first overnight; or choice
of son's school -- the father scrutinizes the boy and the situation. Or
you can imagine a King with a son. He doesn't want the Queen and maids
to tell him every time the boy eats something. But he might say. "Bring
him to me the first time he wants to get on a horse." Or, "I want to
talk to him the first time he has a fight with another boy." And so on.
In this same way, although the Divinity sees us at all times, I believe
there are certain times when he sees us with more interest, and I
believe the greatest of these times is the sex act. At that time,
everything about the sex act -- the
backdrop, the circumstances, the
intention, the attitude, the lawfulness, the moral conditions --
all are registered by
Divine Intelligence at the very highest level. Then the Divine
Intelligence has a specific
to it.
This shows up as effects and consequences in
our personal lives, and in our outer world-dream, which is nothing but
an extension of your personal life.
You can also postulate this concept in dry terms of
law: During the sex act, you make an instantaneous "connection" to all
of creation --
all the way out to the farthest stars. In that connection, everything
about the circumstances of the act is juxtaposed against the universal
pattern of law and life. The Universe loves life, and that Life
originates from within a holistic matrix of Law. The conditions
surrounding the sex act are all part of the sex act. The all-seeing
universal consciousness registers everything about the conditions and
context of the act. The conditions surrounding your sex act are as if juxtaposed against
that universal
matrix of law and life. Thus the conditions (surrounding the sex act) engage with the
universal matrix
of law in either a constructive,
harmonious way or a dissonant
Whatever is "out of kilter" in your sex -- out of holistic
creative context -- will set a vibratory
dissonance with that universal matrix. Thus the universal
of law becomes as if an "enemy" to you. It will "react back" upon you
lawfully, in the form of outer life conditions .
But I prefer to state it this way: The Divine Intelligence takes
special umbrage
to the misuse of the creative power, and exacts automatic retribution
on those who do it. Part of that retribution is
the inability to see or understand what is happening -- how their own
sin has darkened their world dream. That blight includes the
sinking into ignorance, becoming cut off from dharma, from effective
technique, being led further and further into the hell of unquenchable
All this from a celibate mind.
I want to thank my "research brothers" out there who
supplied me with many excellent references from time to time (like
Shakespeare's great quote above). I see that there are very good and
saintly men developing in this county. There have been some very good
female correspondents, too. This is good news. It presages
the regeneration
of the world.
Become a sage. Become great.
Keep it in.
Blessings and many saints for our nation,
Anandaguru Omkaracharya