...Step Into the Mythic...
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52 Traits of a Genuine Teacher of Yoga
(Eternal Religion)

1 -- He will show the way to the divine bliss within yourself , showing you how to experience divinity for yourself by your own effort. He will show others how to approach God directly within.
2 -- He is not a mere collector of book quotations, but is a living example of the content of the scriptures.
3 -- He will show piety in youth.

4 -- He will have expressed, early in life, renunciation impulses, including fasting, abandonment of all possessions, voluntary homelessness, and renunciation of sex, woman, etc.

5  -- He will have sought out authentic teachers or teachers of high reputation.
6 -- He has spent many years in solitude, starting in youth, and is still inclined to solitude  now. (The Lord is best found, and enjoyed, in solitude.) He teaches his best students to seek solitude.

7 -- His mere word will influence men, change them, and lift them up.

8 -- He will teach brahmacharya (continence) to men as do the ancient scriptures. He will also give understanding of its purpose and teach its profound significance for both spiritual life and human good fortune. A true religious teacher will never soft-sell chastity for men, dissimulate it, undersell it, shy away from  it, or make excuses and loopholes for moral  sin, as this blocks the path to divinity more than any other thing. Especially in a Porn Age when young men are burning up with the destruction of sin and discharge! He will stand by brahmacharya squarely and defend it bluntly without apology to women, or to the corrupt, or to anybody else.

9 -- Every age has its particular demons and problems. The True Teacher faces and fights the demons appropriate and needful to fight in this particular time on behalf of his people. He translates the ancient imperatives into an address to the present conditions. (For example, the understanding of the significance of male continence is the least known today and the most needed, thus a great emphasis on it is needed, etc.)
10 -- He will have bhakti and  teach bhakti. Having devotion himself, he will stimulate religious devotion in other men. He will have great respect and devotion  for his guru and guru lineage.

11 -- He will point to the old ways and live in the old ways, especially brahmacharya, austerity, and devotion.

 12 -- He will re-enliven the old plus bring the new. He will easily dispense with the old if it's useless or outmoded, yet champion the old if it's vital, no matter how surprising to the current context.

13 -- He has a love of the scriptures, familiarity with the scriptures.

14 -- He 
can explain the scriptures including providing new and deeper insight into them. He will explain scriptures in new and vital ways, giving new and deeper understanding of scriptures in which the listener knows by instinct "This is true." He will   elucidate esoteric and unknown content in the scriptures, pulling out content secreted there for time immemorial, that is now ripe for the present age. While treating them with respect, he will make confusing scriptures suddenly clear. He shows the scriptures as surprising, astonishingly new, and newly pregnant. He has the key, based on his meditation practice and mergence with Aum, that unlocks the secrets in the scriptures.

15 -- Further: He will add to and revise  the scriptures, and point out errors or obsolete material there along with the truth. He will have no qualms about jettisoning or revising some scripture. He will teach: Scriptures come from mind, mind does not come from scriptures. Scriptures are part of the external inert universe and thus are in flux. His own  words will sound and feel like vital new scripture and become new scripture.
16 -- He will have an awakened kundalini and the ability to awaken the serpent  power in others by shaktipat, and those followers will know it and have the signs.

17 -- He will show warrior-like fearlessness, especially in defense of the people. 
18 -- He will be vitally connected to a religious lineage of siddhas and have signs and proofs from them.

19 -- He will have attained both savikalpa and nirvikalpa samadhi and have insight into meditation technique and experience. He will be able to answer arcane questions about meditation experiences and stages.
20 -- He will be a genuine metaphysician. He will show an efficacious path and techniques that reduce suffering in the personal life by natural law, and explain metaphysical law vis-a-vis the world manifestation, sin/virtue, and karma. Doing so, the true teacher will create conviction about how one's personal karma can be improved, and men and women will follow his way for the upgrade of their personal karma. That is, he will be a metaphysician. He will be able to explain the workings of phenomena in a way that is testable and shown to be true. He will also be able to show others how to mitigate bad karma through his metaphysical knowledge. His metaphysics will be both mentally engaging, intellectually credible, practical, and shown to work in-real-life. Not a mere theory.

21 -- He  will have siddhi and understand siddhi, and his followers will get siddhi.

22 -- He will act in defense of his people morally and rebuke wickedness and those who would corrupt them or otherwise hurt them. He will stand against drugs, moral breakdown, and mockery of religion -- the cultural heritage that points the way to bliss and divine knowledge.

23 -- His external bonafides come from his influence on men, by attraction, and by the inner resonance of those hearts, as Christ said in the Gospel: "The sheep recognize their master's voice" and "by their fruits ye shall know them" (without any definition of "good fruit" and "bad fruit" needed. Men and women simply know.) His authority also derives from his word, and from his bhakti connection to a reputable lineage. He spends little time trying to propound, adduce, or establish his legitimacy or "authority as a teacher."
24 -- He feels no need to dress in guru costumes or adorn himself with ancient accoutrements of a guru, yet men recognize and claim him as their guru anyway. Neither does he need to say "I am guru" or "try to become" a guru -- yet other men claim him as their guru and make him that even against his will. He is not hungry for guruhood and views it as  a burden. He is given names by his guru or his followers. If he bears
accoutrements of guruhood, it is for the pleasure and fulfillment of his students.

25 -- He will  know kumbhaka, i.e. he will have mastery of pranayama.
26 -- His words will set other men on fire with faith and certitude, devotion, and austerity.

27 -- The true teacher doesn't need followers to be happy. He is contented to be alone and spends much time alone. He teaches from a sense of duty and obligation.

28 -- He will prefer poverty to wealth, as instructed in the Upanishads and by Christ.

29 -- He will prefer homelessness to having a conventional or stable home, as instructed in the Upanishads and by Christ.

30 -- He does not cling to conventional forms of security, stocks, bonds, savings accounts, or property. He  enjoys wandering without material  comforts. God is his security. He advocates this for his best students.

31 -- He will not seek donations. Rather, he will support himself by his own useful work or by the grace of God. He is not a charity case. Any donations he does receive are spent on charity or teaching.

32 -- The true teacher doesn't base his worth on followers or the size of his 'movement.' He doesn't point to his followers  and say "Look at my followers! Look at my organization! This proves I am valid." He will not care about the size of his movement or point to the number of his followers. He's contented with just one follower, or none at all, or a million. The integrity of his teaching matters more to him than collecting fans or followers. He will offend or alienate his best follower if it means standing by the truth for the sake of God or the greater good.

33 -- He will have traits like the ancient sages, such as devotion, austerity, seclusion, and meditation. At the same time he will be unique in certain ways, as all sages have unique qualities as the Lord is the creative Lord of uniqueness, from Whom all uniqueness flows.

34 -- He prefers nature and  wilds to cities and places where worldly people congregate.
35 -- He loves whatever reminds the mind of God, whether a church, a  mala, a song about God, a child, or a religious book.

36 -- He does not bow to trends, fashions, the changing standards of "modern times,"  nor does he bow to "the zeitgeist," the "consensus," the culture, or  peer pressure. If he has to be the last man standing for the right and the good, he will stand alone.

37 -- He will direct himself to men -- the toughest targets and the strongest potential yoga teachers -- rather than women, and rather than to groups of  male with females. He will know the distinct status of the male for comprehension of real yoga (austerities and God-union) -- and  the male's distinct  gain in brahmacharya. The true teacher will not prefer the company of women over men, which is odd and  unseemly. He will also bear teachings uniquely fulfilling and attractive to men. He will not prefer female company or staff over male, or seek to create a crowd around him by catering to women. Rather, he will try to set a good example of traditional moral culture by having male staff and men around him, with the exception of his wife or daughters. This is the way of all the old Hindu yogis and acharyas. In any gatherings he will keep men separate from women. Finally, he will not be a feminist or try to grow a movement by catering to the desires or agendas of women, and will identify feminism  as a mere expansion of female desires which leads to female unhappiness and unfulfillment. His love for women is true and real, not simply male weakness or kowtowing to their desires or to the standards of modern times.

38 -- He will have a set of teachings for householders/marrieds and a set for single men and women, and acknowledge the differences in the sexes and the different approach to the world, and to spirituality, found in men and women. He will understand both the monastic path and the path of procreation/family. He will support both the path of family and the yogi's path of austerity, seclusion, and meditation. He will speak with authority to support both paths and make them successful. The family side of his followers will be fruitful, stable, and show ideals in marriage.

39 -- He will be able to speak with authority about the  evidences of ananda, divine inner sound (Aum) and light (jyoti), and ananda from personal experience, plus bring this experience to his best students
 and the divine sense perceptions of light, smell, etc. as referenced in the Yoga-Sutra. He will be able to bestow the divine sense perceptions on his students.

40 -- He will have "knowledge of the  difference" as mentioned in Yoga-Sutra 2:26 and be able to explain it.
41 -- He will have real tilak lines, 2 vertical indentation lines going up his forehead in the skull, from his meditation, rather than  having to paint them on his forehead as representations.
42 -- He will show himself as unafraid of death in defending his children, or his people.
43 -- He will have compassion for the suffering and help the poor of his own race, setting that example for other races. He will be an open-handed giver to the most suffering people of his race.

44 -- He will have kyastriya-fire for the wicked; evil people and evil forces will regard him as an Enemy.

45 -- If a teacher of Indian dharma, scriptures, and techniques -- he will attract Indian males who become his students and champion his teachings. A dharma teacher who does not attract Indian male disciples -- and even champions -- can not be considered a credible, genuine, or worthy teacher  of Indian dharma and yoga. He will inspire, direct both Indian and Western men.

46 -- Even if old, he will attract the young, especially young males who are the toughest to impress and have uniquely male spiritual potential.

47 -- He will have the amazing effect of attracting the irreligious to religion, attracting the immoral to morality, and the  non-spiritual to spirituality.

48 -- If from a Christian heritage, he will point to the good, the truth, and the eternal yoga or dharma in his own heritage, celebrate it, and bid his fellows to appreciate it. This will include items unseen and unappreciated heretofore. He will not abandon his heritage in preference for "the foreign" -- but will point to good and truth wherever it is, and favor the stable cultural development and continuity of his own heritage. He will get bliss in both churches and temples.

49 -- Men and women with varied backgrounds will unite around his teachings, including Hindu, Christian, Sikh, and others.

50 -- A genuine teacher of yoga and Eternal Religion will be loved in some quarters and strongly hated in other quarters. A man who has no enemies and is "loved by all" has no integrity, has made no hard choices, and is not true.
51 -- The lives of men and women will be improved by contact with his teachings.

52 -- He will produce, from among men, other teachers like himself, having fire certitude and conviction, knowledge, and who are effective teachers who also attract men, and these men will have the same divine signs, experiences, and confirmations as himself.


Brotherhood Of The Sacred Word
