My Views on Race

My view is that the Creator creates a diverse, multiplicitous universe. This is why the creation story features a "Garden of Eden" with all kinds of creatures. Different kinds of human beings are one of the finest and most evolved aspects of that diversity. Human diversity should be one of the least things we should devalue.

Another aspect of that diversity is the different nations, cultures, and languages. Same with religions. The world should remain full of many religious paths to suit all temperaments and states of development. These also should be respected and continue to flourish.

It's also my view that each race and people develops special facets of human potential, sometimes to an extraordinary degree. Also that each race usually has something, some special quality, that the others lack, or in which the others are weak. Just as the rain forest contained amazing herbs and plants, some of them completely unique, the races are developing that same multiplicity of the Creator.

Mixing all of the races together randomly destroys them. Destroying national boundaries and independence, and a nation's ability to control it's own borders and keep its ethnic character, destroys that nation/culture as a unique thing. Destroying unique nations, cultures and languages is no less unfortunate than destroying unique genes.

There may be some genetic value in some racial mixing, and it has always occurred naturally at the borders and peripheries of cultures. Some people have always done it, and some always will. Some of the extremely inbred groups, having developed dysgenic physical traits, would probably benefit, in fact, from infusion of other genes into their gene pool. But this is beyond my knowledge. But one thing I am certain of: Peoples should not be stampeded into racial mixing by propaganda and false doctrines, as is especially happening to young White people today. It makes it even worse when the stampeding is done cynically, by a power that seeks to control all peoples, and weaken the White Europeans as an impediment to control strategies. This is, in fact, what I think is happening.

I also believe it is good and virtuous to respect and value the virtues and special history of your own people, while being respectful of the virtues of other peoples and learning from them.

My Views on Jews

Do you hate Jews?

No, I don't. However, I deeply hate the things that a lot of them -- far to many of them -- are doing.

Like all the peoples, I find Jews interesting. They have sosme traits that I admire. I find them very interesting conversationalists. I think people can learn a lot for them and imitate some of their strategies for their own good. Especially their strong family sense. I also enjoy the Jewish mind, and some of their traits at humor. Every race has its beauties and handsome traits too, and the Jews are no exception.

Like all the peoples, I find Jews an interesting people and we can learn things from them. But I love my own people best, as all people should naturally.

Do you think there are good Jews!

Yes, definitely. There are some VERY GOOD Jews. Again, every people has virtues and vices. And the individual is always individual. An individual can be anything.

My General View on the Jews

Because the Jews have long been an outsider people without their own nation, they have developed a different way of interacting with other nations. The fact that they have often been expelled from other nations has helped shaped their unique strategies. Then the fact that their own scriptures define them as a unique and superior people at the level of blood, mixing the matter of religion with race, has added to their special characteristics.

This history has given them the characteristic of living among other peoples while remaining apart, and remaining quietly cohesive. Doing this requires a certain covertness, and a great deal of subtlety. The strategy amounts to acting as a coherent collective, working for group goals, while developing a kind of invisibility to the non-Jews. The invisibility keeps them from being understood, questioned, or resisted when resisting might be appropriate.

Many other strategies have been adopted, such as cultivating for themselves a victim status in the culture, making any criticism of them -- or even discussion of them -- culturally taboo. Further, Jews appear to adopt a strategy of promoting a decline in racial identity among their host peoples, while promoting so-called multi-culturalism and even racial mixing. Jews consider themselves "white" only as it suits them at the time. They like to blend in with "white people," but consider themselves separate. Generally speaking, Jews mean "White non-Jews" when they say "white." White is their code word for "Gentile." That is why we so often see that apparently "white" people who mock and discredit "Whites" are often Jews. They consider this attack to be on Gentiles, and not on themselves. Most of the discrediting of the White race that we see in media and academia is motivated by Jews, then the more vulnerable Gentiles take up the same banner against themselves.

The "no race" message they put out to the host culture affects the host culture more than the Jews themselves, because of their having a stronger racial and tribal identity to start with. They have learned to live as a separate people without needing their own nations, without becoming subsumed by their host nations. Gentiles, on the other hand, have always required 1) their own nations, and 2) their religions to maintain themselves as peoples. 

Jews have clearly worked to discredit the religions of the host culture. Christians can now see this easily every time they turn on the television. This dramatically, along with "multi-culturalism" and the discrediting of the White race, weakens the cohesiveness of the non-Jews while Jews remain strong in their religious identity.
By destroying both the values of nationalism, and religion, Jews remove the things that have allowed Gentiles to be cohesive peoples, without being affected much themselves.

These strategies result in Jews remaining a strong collective while other collectives diminish, while having a kind of invisibility in the awareness of the host peoples. This results in Jews having more de facto power than than any other group, and the host culture itself.

These strategies are understandable and somewhat natural given their unique history. But they damage the interests of their host nations and peoples, especially the interests of remaining peoples and nations with unique characteristics and self-direction as a people.

The solution to this problem is simply making non-Jews aware of it. Just as Jews are able to live among other peoples and among great diversity yet retain their cohesiveness and peoplehood, Gentiles (non-Jews) can learn to do the same at this stage simply by developing awareness. For Gentiles to get awareness, freedom of speech is essential to protect.

You can see that Jews are also behind most of the new laws that limit freedom of speech and expression. At first they worked to make it simply culturally and psychologically taboo to discuss them. This was how they had their invisibility. Now that their power has grown so much, and these taboos are no longer holding up, they are seeking to actually outlaw freedom of speech, and have already done so in Europe and Canada. This is to protect their invisibility and ability to operate without discussion, awareness, or restraint. It is vital that freedom of speech be maintained, and also regained in nations where it has been lost. Or else Jewish power will grow more and more, completely out of control.

It is not individual Jews who do all these things. It is the Jewish collective that manifests these strategies. My observations are not unique to me. There are many other men and women -- many of them very great and famous men and women -- who have made the same observations. One of these today is Dr. Kevin MacDonald. However, I arrived at these observations through my own bare analysis, simply watching society and life for a long time. My parents and family never mentioned the Jewish people let alone criticized them. I was never around people who were critical of Jews, so far my whole life. I did find a body of literature and many people making the same observations later in life, in my 40s.

Do you believe there are "good Jews" from the standpoint of the world's problems? The loss of nations and peoples? Do you think there are any who can see your point of view and also help preserve the peoples?

Yes, I do. I also believe we need good Jews on our side to resist the N.W.O. and governmental/financial powers that are taking over the world. It seems that good Jews make some of their best critics. It may be that it takes a Jew to outwit another Jew! Henry Makow, who is ethnically Jewish, is one of the most outspoken analysts and critics of the negative aspects of Jewish agendas. It is his view that Jewry has been overtaken and manipulated by Sabbatean and Frankist Jews who pursue a chaos agenda for the breakdown of human security, and the acquisition of total power. He says that these Sabbatean/Frankist-influenced Jews hate the good and moral Jews, too, and seek their destruction, too. They have inserted themselves into the Jewish nation as a controlling kernel, and use the "Jewish persecution" specter as a psy-op to keep themselves -- safely ensconced in the Jewish nation -- out of bounds and beyond analysis. Basically, Makow considers Jewry to have been infiltrated and hijacked by these type of Jews, now being used by them.

I want to encourage Jews to study the writings of Henry Makow in Canada. He is working hard to distinguish between the natural good of the Jewish people and their old religion, and the Talmudic, Sabbatean, and Frankist elements. He is also trying to distinguish the banker/money players that are manipulating Israel, Jewry, and the world stage. He is a modern sage, and a saint among Jews, working to preserve the "four pillars of identity that benefit 
all peoples: Family, Race, Religion, and Nation. His website is

The Jews as a Religion / Spirituality

I think the Jews can be viewed as an elder brother to the nations religiously and even spiritually. However, I think that the original Judaism has been corrupted by Talmudism, then by the Sabbateans and Frankists as mentioned. I think that Jews got off on a wrong track, too, by equating Jewishness with blood and race. My belief is that the true Jew is simply one who "loves God best." Loving God best, putting God first, and seeking and knowing God -- is the essence of what it means to be a Jew and there should be no doubt about this. Jews need to find this out again and abandon the strictly racial understanding of what it means to be Jewish.

Jews and Morality/Celibacy, etc.

Deep in the heart of ancient Judaism is the same chastity/morality teaching that we feature regularly at It is my belief that a culture's understanding of sexual morality is what preserves or destroys it; makes it great or brings it low. Deep inside of Judaism, at the level of the Torah, the rabbis, and maybe the Kabbalah, this is also known but it is secreted. Because the Sabbatean/Frankist purpose was the creation of chaos and the destruction of the religion-wrought moral order of nations, and because they exist within Jewry, the Jews have been the biggest losers when it comes to moral understanding.

Thus it is that the very highest sort of Jew, in my personal opinion, and the one who I respect the very best, is the one who understands the significance of moral self-control. I would point out that the Ten Commandments, which was given to us by the Jews, has two commandments that deal with lust and sexual morality, albeit at a primitive level: "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife," and "Though shall not commit adultery." Thus a full 20 percent of the Ten Commandments addresses itself to moral self control. Judaism also gives to Christianity the only explicit teaching relative to masturbation: The Old Testament proscription against "spilling your seed on the ground," which refers obviously to masturbation, and not the literal ground only. This with the more occult understanding of the rabbis, which appears to comprehend the significance of chastity, there seems to be plenty of basis in Judaism for the moral worldview expressed by

Some Jews with strong understanding of morality write to me, and I am always very impressed by them. They often have a more natural and deeper grasp of the matter than others. Probably many others do not write me because of the message at that site which criticizes Jewish agendas. They would naturally be put off and offended by this. So I probably do not get any complete view of the extent of moral understanding among Jews. Some still get through and write me anyway, valuing the message a moral message. Whatever the real moral condition of the Jews today (apart from the horrid picture presented by Jewish entertainers and media creators), I would state that Jews who 1) understand the significance of moral self control both for their people and others, and who 2) understand what is happening among their misguided brethren and strive to expose or work against it (like Israel Shamir, etc.) -- are among are among the noble of the human race.

Solutions / What Can Be Done?

-- Freedom of speech has to be preserved, and regained where it is lost.

-- Gentiles need to avoid hateful speech, or speech that incites violence. This only creates excuses and opportunities for the controllers to keep reducing freedom of speech. Agents and provocateurs who pose as "White racialists" and "critics of Jews" while spouting hateful, unattractive verbiage should be discouraged and abandoned.

-- Some of the nobler Jews and some of the nobler Gentiles should make common cause with each other for the purpose of the preservation and both the Jews and the European Whites. This could even go as far as a cadre of Jewish men marrying Gentile women and having children, to create a kind of alternative people with that purpose. (It already happens anyway, it may as well be for a better purpose.) A Jewish-Gentile mix, with the most of the mothers Gentiles, could serve as a bulwark and foil against growing banker power.

-- White Europeans need to regenerate themselves morally, religiously, spiritually and culturally.

-- The White European nations need to demand autonomy and control of their own borders, preserving their nations for their peoples. Jews who actively work for the racial and cultural breakdown of those nations should be obligated to live in Israel. This should be done even if the nations need to gather to provide Israel with more national space.

-- Nuclear weapons need to be abandoned in every nation.