Forty (40) and More Negative Things A Tattoo Says About a Woman (And many Men)

I am immodest. I like to show off and draw attention to myself.


I am easily subject to fashions and fads. If something gets fame, I want to be like that. I am highly suggestible and follow fads.

I can't think long term

I have nothing to do with naturalness, the country, or old fashioned women of my race.

I feel my body is inadequate. I have a low self-esteem or weak self-image.
I am inadequate, and need something extraordinary, destructive, and culturally obtuse to give me distinction.
After getting it and the clarity and color of it fade, and nobody's making remarks, I feel like crap just as before. Or worse, because I am now marred by some guy. My alternative then will be to get more of them -- to get the thrill going again for a while. So I am heading toward the state of an oldstyle circus freak and soon will be putting tattoos on my face like others.

Alternatively: I am vain. I can't get enough adornments or enough things to draw attention to myself.

I am completely willing to set myself above my fellow female peers, to distinguish myself from them in a stark
way that really separates me from them. I have no care for their feelings about this, whether it's to feel lesser than me, or to be led
to getting tattoos themselves. I do what I want. I don't think communally or try to stay in-group with my sisters, never mind my mother etc. 
I like setting myself above others, making myself different than my fellow beings, special -- and distant from them.

My tattoo isolates me from others. I don't understand how that works or notice that fewer of my sisters/friends talk to me after getting my pride marks, but my vanity and temporary self-esteem lift were more important.  I find that I prefer now to be friends with other tattooed women so I am involved in creating a separation among my fellows into two camps.

I'm already pierced (and "pricked"). This has deep significance!  
Pierced noses and ears in indigenous cultures such as India literally signified the fact that they were now "pierced" (by the husband) in marriage.
A guy has already pierced me -- a lot.
He's claimed me, like a guy carving a permanent carving on a tree. Only the tree was me. That is: Some male, a dumb lug maybe with a bone through his nose, a guy who my future boyfriend or husband doesn't know and would not like to know (because he's a crud, etc.) has crawled all over me and put his mark on me.
Even the mark on the tree eventually goes away, but not this. Every time my future husband looks at me he's going to have to think of that guy who got to me before he did, and did stuff that he could never do.
This also relates to the biological and spiritual fact that a prime thing the male does to his mate is he impacts her body through pregnancy. It is, in fact, likely that the new tattooing craze in women comes from the fact that so few of them are getting pregnant. It may be a primal feminine urge to get her body physically altered by a male. Thus in the absence of natural marriage and procreation, the scurvy tattoo artist is fulfilling this function for these women.

So the future husband/mate has to always see the permanent sign that some other male -- even a complete stranger to them both and some dickhead -- impacted her body even more than him.  And he probably got off on it, and proudly surveys her and his other "turf' as they walk around the street with the marks he made on them. This is male human nature. Briefly, any future mate, especially if he gets higher aspiration, is going to come to resent that tattoo and see it as a sign of trashiness. Thus the only male she could mate with, where this is less likely, is male who also has a tattoo. Thus she has greatly reduced the size of her  pool for future mates. Because of this problem, so obvious on the horizon, there will be a rising trend of females who do the defacing or so-called artistry.

I am clueless about the fact that the evocation of purity is the most attractive thing to the better men (moral men, religious men, decent men). Even though both I and he are impure, because of his ideals the better man loves it when my unmarked body can at least evoke the idea of feminine purity in his mind. I was clueless about these old fashioned ideals.

I waste money, spending it on my self for foolish things. (From the looks of it we're guessing that the growing contingent of well-tattooed females are spending at least as much as a monthly car payment.) It's probably even more expensive to have them removed or reduced, and many are backing up and doing that.

If a lot of tattoos: I have an obsession; an addiction.

My body is not a serious thing, far less a sacred thing. It is a plaything.

Normally only cattle, animals, and things with non-human status get permanently marked. Something about my human status has changed. At least I don't mind projecting that. Porno prostitutes have often have had tattoos because they evoke a "used" and "use me" image. They are not quite human.  Now I am well-connected to that vile subculture.

I am well used. I'm no untouched girl. I've been around the block. 
"I am impure. I've been around. I'm marked.  There is nothing virginal about me.
Or, maybe there actually is. However, you don't get to entertain that notion or or feeling when you look at me. Men with noble ideals for themselves, and for women, can't get any inspiration from my body. Some women are like a fresh-fallen snow. I am like a snowfield with tracks through it.

I am an extremist. I do extreme things, things I can't back down from.

I am bruised.
As it fades it looks like a bruise. Even when knew it evokes the feeling of a blemish or bruise at any distance.

I am marked.
It looks like some random mark.

I now look dirty no matter what.
Dirt is the impression that tattoos give to the mind, especially as they age. From a distance they just seem like a weird something dark; dirt.

I am somebody's turf (she is the turf, without a doubt, of a tattoo artist). And even my husband will never be able to do such a thing to me.

I like adopting male things and being man-like in selected dribs and drabs, as long as I can be "sexy" too. (Tattoos were once the province of men. That fact is not without significance in the female attraction to it.)

I am not "the eternal woman," at least I have no interest in evoking that thought in a future husband, as satisfying and inspiring as that may be to him (and all his grandfathers who got to enjoy the sight of untouched womanhood, the purity of a new-fallen snow, etc.) Should you ever get noble aspirations in life, or pure ideals with regard to yourself and others, I won't be what you want to look upon.

I have no connection or resonance with my European past, going back 20 centuries

If I have ancestors that exist in the spiritual world and care about me (a belief of many religions including indigenous ones) I don't give a hoot what my ancestors think of me.

Although none of my grandmothers or grandfathers had tattoos, because it conflicted with
their moral impurity ideal, I am completely cut adrift from my own people. What's on TV and in
the magazines is my guide.

I have contempt for tradition

I have no instincts about resisting cultural change or instincts to do so. Or I am gullible and accept the idea that everything about the cultural past is negative and should be jettisoned. (I am influenced by Marxist propaganda.)

I don't think deeply about spiritual matters or the question of virtues, or what virtue is. (And I have no clue why my grandmothers did not get tattoos.)

I resonate with barbarianism.

The idea of what "Nature has made" has no significance to me. I don't value Naturalness

The idea of God's will, or "what God hath made" has no significance to me

I have no connection to religion, except maybe some random, trifling notions about paganism or indigenous stuff. But this is really just a fashion statement, and I've never even studied those things. As to Christianity (my own heritage) and its ideals of naturalness, simplicity, modesty, and humbleness -- I'm clueless about that.

I (like everybody) gets transient ideas about what's "cool" (odd symbols, yesterday I saw a woman with the Illuminati "single eye" pyramid on the nape of her neck), and though I thought that was cool last year, now I see it's dumb. So my transient and silly notions about "what's cool" are now recorded permanently on my body like a sign. So I'm dumb.

I can't wear certain kinds of clothes and look good any more. So I don't think ahead.

In most cases: "I don't care what my father and mother think." (And I won't care later what a husband thinks.)

I have lost my capacity to inspire nobility or moral aspiration in males. (Moral men are only inspired by women who can evoke the notion of purity.)

And a tattoo on a woman obviously means this:

"I don't even remember that tattoo creep's name, but he loves sitting around and proudly surveying his beautiful woman-turf. ("I know what she's got here, or there. Even her new boyfriend doesn't know.") Come to think of it, he's a bit of a grody pile upon any analysis. However, I allowed the grody pile to permanently alter my looks. Neither my father, my mother, or my future husband will ever have the right to do such a thing to me, so this fellow has a very special place in my life, sort of like God who formed me, even if he's a lowlife dumbass. That tattoo artist (who looks proudly upon me as turf) could easily have a picture in my ancestral Hall of Fame some day, which should kids should revere. Especially since he'll influence who I was able to marry, and probably influence all my future children to similarly get blotmarks on themselves. My grandchildren will probably be blotmarked for several generations, aggrieving several generations of grandmothers. So that fellow (I forgot his name, don't know much about him) looms large in my life. He has a place my husband can't even touch.

And because of this, I'm stupider than a stump."

I have a special demigod in my life who has the right and power to alter my body. His name is John, Jake, Junk, or whatever.

I am now limited in the clothes I can wear. Certain things no longer look good on me because of my tattoos. Hose looks terrible with the vague dark splotches underneath. Wraps, where a garment wraps around the arms or legs, revealing skin here and there, no longer work because the dark blotches of the tattoo ruin the effect otherwise created by the exposed skin. A blouse with a low back or front is not desirable in situations where I don't want my tattoos visible. I never thought about this because I am not very deep or thoughtful. My tattoos mean I am not very  deep, not very thoughtful, and not very wise.
If I have children, my daughters are highly likely to follow my example and get tattoos. This will hurt. It will probably break the hearts of her father and grandparents. But I never thought of this. Likely many generations of my descendents will have marks on them, like a big piece of lint stuck in a printing press produces marks on all the printed pages.

If a man: I have been pierced bigtime; I am turning into a woman.

The list of significances is pretty much the same for men, except for a few things.