Astrologer Julian Lee, Portland, Teachings For Young Men
            Anandaguru Omkaracharya

Eighteen Simple Teachings &  Six Richer Teachings

The Eighteen Simple Teaching Beads for young men:

1 -- Continence brings back natural male friendship, and is the root of spiritual and religious knowledge.
2 -- Continence gives personal strength, personal world-upgrade, meditation progress, and occult development.
3 -- Meditation is the way to experience and know God directly, first in the form of ananda or bliss, divine light, and divine sound and Aum.
4 -- Mantra should be acquired from a sage or initiate of the BSW lineage.
5 -- Young men should wander homeless at least 1 month out of the year, and increase it, with age, unto Level 2 (camper/van) and Level 3 (free sleeping, forest dwelling) homeless living.
6 -- The rest of the year should be lived in Brotherhood households of 3-5 men, only leaving these for periods of homelessness or upon marriage. They should be mutually supportive to one another in brotherhood.
7 -- A young man should get success in the realm of his passionate interest and become materially able to assist himself and his fellows or family. He should not beg. He can see the flaw of worldly success better, and become seriously interested in meditation-bliss, after he has tasted worldly success.

8 -- The final goal of religion and meditation is samadhi, i.e. conscious at-onement with God. We already attain samadhi nightly unconsciously in the dream states.
9 -- The other goals of religion along the way are bliss, satisfaction of the mind and certitude, life improvement for one's self, and life-improvement for others, and inevitably siddhi.
10 -- Religious practices, icons, and places are for putting one's self into blissful and auspicious states. This definitely includes the Christian churches, hymns, services, and grounds.
11 -- Christianity is an elegant form of Bhakti-Yoga and should be used, where available such as in the form of churches or services, to acquire bliss which is God.

12 -- Gods and worlds are self-projections. Flaws in the experienced world (and gods) are one's own fault and under one's own power.
13 -- Purification and brahmacharya improve them, both the world-condition and the gods, just as a long fast brings luminous and wonderful dreams.
  14 -- To understand the nature of The Lord as Saguna Brahman, reflect on your joyful experiences in the world and your dream states. To understand the nature of the unmanifest Nirguna Brahman, ponder the state of dreamless sleep.

15 -- Naturalness is good for humanity and the others. Naturalness should be sought and preserved in all realms. Enjoying worldliness is natural, wanting success and recognition are natural, seeing the flaw in it is natural, seeking transcendence of lust and limitation is natural. A mother preferring her own child over others is natural, A man preferring his own family and people first, others second, is also natural.
16 -- One first has a duty to serve and protect his family, tribe (ethnicity) and race.
17 -- Protecting them from moral corruption is the highest protection and highest heroism.
18 -- This is the worthiest guidance for the rest of the world and all other peoples to follow.

The Six Richer Teaching Beads for young men:

These are the Six Richer Teachings of the Brotherhood, for young men:

The First Richer Teaching
What Religion Is
Religion means imbibing one's own natural bliss through religious ideas and practices. This makes a man stronger and able to serve better his people and do his natural duties. This getting established in bliss finally destroys his own karma and leads to samadhi. The short version of this is: Religion is bliss. Bliss makes a man free, and strong..

A Second Richer Teaching
Bhakti & Brahmacharya Give Divine Fruit
Bhakti together with brahmacharya give spiritual strength plus the magic of kundalini activation and its mysteries. That is teaching two. The power of brahmacharya with bhakti.

The Third Richer Teaching
The Power of Austerities
Engaging in austerities, the ancient activities of the yogis and the saints, opens the doors to this causeless bliss. Pursued well, it leads to the holy state of samadhi. This teaching to pursue austerities is a 3rd teaching for young men. A short version of this teaching is that austerities open the way to bliss.

The First Raft of the 3rd Richer
Fasting, Meditation, Solitude, Postures, Vipassana
Pursue the austerities of fasting, meditation, solitude, holding postures, and vipassana-like allowing. They are highly effective and easily available to all young men. This is the First Raft of the Third Richer Teaching for young men, the first raft of austerities.

The Second Raft of the 3rd Richer
Add chanting, musical worship, homelessness, and pranyama.
Add in the austerities of chanting and musical worship, homelessness, whether for short or long periods, and pranayama. These two rafts above part of the Third Richer Teaching bead on the value of austerity, telling what austerities to do.

The Fourth Richer Teaching
Brahmacharya is the root of natural male friendship and natural social order
Brahmacharya re-establishes natural friendship and brotherhood among young men. And that this natural male brotherhood is the basis for the guidance and protection of the people. And that for men with these profound shared values, living together, working together, and traveling together are natural outcomes.

So, how to recount these Four Richer Teachings? It goes like this: Religion is bliss found within, which makes a man free and able. Brahmacharya and the devotional attitude bring strength and divine magic to the life. Austerities open the way to bliss and meditation, unto samadhi. The basic and the more advanced austerities are given. Finally, this brahmacharya and common profound agreement recreates male friendship and brotherhood, which sets the basis for the guidance and saving of our fellow people.

Let's now crystallize these down to even shorter statements. It can go like this: Religion is bliss, brahmacharya and bhakti-yoga bring divine magic. Austerities cut the way to this. Our Brahmacharya makes us brothers again. And this is the way of salvation and prosperity for the Gentiles. (Non Jews.)

These are the Four Richer Teachings for young Gentile Males that we must learn to present daily in any way that we can.

The Things That Give Bliss

The higher things that increase bliss, which is God, in the waking state:

-- Moral continence
-- Meditation
-- Bhakti-yoga attitudes and practices
-- Church service.
-- Service to your people
-- Giving away possessions and being unencumbered.
-- Living homeless.
-- Preaching from righteousness for the good of your people.
-- God's untouched wilds and natural places.
-- The exteriors and interiors of the old churches.

The other things that give bliss in the waking state:

-- The affection of family and loving, nurturing, and educating your children -- if you create a family.
-- Playing and creating
-- Music and arts.
-- A beautiful and well-ordered environment, food, and garden.
-- Fondness for a good woman and service to her.
-- Sexual attraction and sexual feeling

The items above in black are the bliss-paths that our Brotherhood emphasizes.

The bliss-giving things that should be avoided:
-- Drugs and alcohol
-- Sex with a non-wife or beyond the frequency of the wife's own seasons.
-- Continuous acquisitions.
-- Excessive eating.

General Teachings On Religion

-- Christianity is the European bhakti-yoga.
-- The purpose of religion is to improve life and increase happiness both for the worldly religious person and the avid seeker or yogi.
-- The experiences of joy, awe, rapture, and bliss are the purpose of religious knowledge and practices. Those who are wise and skillful use, indeed, religious practices, ceremonies, and places to effect all these inner results.
-- Scriptures and texts are self-projections along with the rest of the world.
-- Scriptures and texts contain flaws along with precious knowledge. They need to be variously explained, interpreted, elucidated, abrogated, de-emphasized or emphasized, and added-to.
-- The one qualified to do this is the realizer or sage.
-- The sage demonstrates his authority by his own life, his teachings themselves, or by his explanation of those same scriptures, and  by his persona.

-- The bulk of Christian theology invented beyond the words and example of Christ -- that which causes endless disagreement and fracturing -- is useless and hardly needs to be taken seriously.
-- To understand that which is of essential value in Christianity it is more useful and most useful to study the Upanishads including the Bhagavad-Gita.
-- Those Upanishads and what is called Yoga are the real provenance of the teachings of Christ and that satguru of the White Europeans was cultivated in that school. This is why His lifestyle matches that of a Hindu saddhu and why many of His statements only make sense in the context of Hindu or yogic teachings.
Anandaguru Omkaracharya

June 16, 2014
Portland, Oregon