I am looking for 2-3 brahmacharis to: -- Get meditation -- Learn the dharma -- Help me with this racial regeneration work via teaching. -- Build Brotherhood households. First/Primary interest should be meditation. Secondary interest should be serving this teaching work. Third interest should be serving the Brotherhood through helping establish the natural households culture. Of course being morally straight and a brahmachari is a basic. If interested, write me at: julian@celibacy.info or call: 805-640-9591 Deconstructing the race- and People-killing Baha'i Faith: ![]() Bahai-Faith-Bahaullah.com Kitab-i-Aqdas.info BahaiFace.com All about the real Baha'i faith. Krishnamurti.info |
The territories of religious knowledge A Little Bit of Faith in Good This comes easily for a man or
woman who had a mother who loved them.
So the mother is the first introducer of religious knowledge, an
emanation of divine consciousness which teaches the baby and child to
have faith in good things. This is the first religious knowledge of all
human beings. The Upanishads have simple and direct answers to atheists who vex themselves over a faith problem, or the problem that they must reject the possibility of any thing they they've not already experienced. (That latter stance obviously being an emotional fixation and irrational.) One is here: "That Self is (first to be realized as existing, and (then) as It really is. Of these two (aspects), the real nature of the Self that has been known as merely existing, becomes favourably disposed (for self-revelation)." 2nd Katha Upanishad, 3:13, "Eight Upanishads," Gambhirananda The verse is saying that in order to experience God you must first entertain, mentally, the possibility that It may exist. Why should the Deity reveal himself to you if you can't even entertain the possibility of His existence? God doesn't need to convince you He exists. First open the door of faith or your instinctive knowledge. First open to the possibility. That is a law of the mind. The same verse is translated this way by Muller: By the words 'He is,' is he to be apprehended, and by (admitting) the reality of both (the invisible Brahman and the visible world, a coming from Brahman). When he has been apprehended by the words "He is," then his reality reveals itself." "The Upanishads," F. Max Muller It's His nature not to force Himself upon anyone, or to force a fellow to have knowledge he is not receptive to. He allows us to entertain our own notions, and experience them, and live in whatever limitations we conjure. Why should a transcendental king be in some huff or hurry to convince the millions of stones, fools or dark minds that He passes that He exists? There are as many dark, small beings in the various worlds as there are stones and grains of sand. He would rather show Himself to the one who is seeking to, at least, entertain His existence. Bliss The
highest form of religious knowledge is bliss, and the various
grades of bliss and joy. This bliss is from the Lord, who is blissful
both in his formless state and his state with form as inner
inner light, inner bliss, and various visionary conceptions. Bliss is
one of the evidences of God, and one of the ways that He first shows
His existence to the man or woman of faith. The bliss
that is religious knowledge, and the religious knowledge that is bliss,
fulfills man and woman. It also heals the body and mind and gives
prosperity to the life. This is
religious knowledge. Much of it is found in the European Christian
heritage and the Aryan Yogic heritage. Heaven All seek heaven continually
True heaven is to be known and gained
here, now. If it does not become a
permanent attainment here, it will not be a permanent attainment there.
This world is the anvil upon which the obstructions between our minds
and heaven can be hammered out. Brahmacharya The second form of religious knowledge is the teaching of chastity that gives prosperity to the mind and life and brings a cessation of disturbance to the outer garden. When this knowledge is lost, religious knowledge dies, religions die, and man's prosperity dies. When this knowledge is regained, prosperity and happiness come back to man and woman. This is religious knowledge. This is religious knowledge. Much of it is found in the European Christian heritage and the Aryan Yogic heritage. To the European peoples and
saints and the Aryan yogis, there are
three sacred things: These are 1) The creative power (sex), and 2) That
which gives remembrance God. The third is loyalty, duty, and service to
one's family and people. By practicing brahmacharya a man sets his foot
back on the path of sacredness, becomes fit for the other two, and gets
spiritual knowledge plus worldly strength and protection for himself
and his people. All is lost, for himself and his people,
his brahmarcharya. The Upanishads say: "With
austerity of brahmacharya, This is true for both the king and the average man and his own world-kingdom. This is because the kingdom of every man is nothing but a projection or emanation from his own body, to its depths. Incontinence is the strip-mining of virtue and good from the body, which immediately manifests in the outer kingdom as evil, disturbance, invasion, corruption, and loss. Only sex with the wife, with procreation at heart, legitimizes the male sexual loss. This is religious and spiritual knowledge, the knowledge of the Christian European saints and the Aryan yogis. Morality that Gives Human Order and Prosperity Religious knowledge includes a number of moral laws and principles that establish social order, justice, and prosperity among men. This is religious knowledge. This is religious knowledge. Much of it is found in the European Christian heritage and the Aryan Yogic heritage. Knowledge of
the creation Religious
knowledge includes understanding of the true nature of the outer
world-phenomenon, how it arises as body-based conditioning mixed with
impurities and purity. This is religious knowledge. This is
religious knowledge. Some of it is found in the European Christian
heritage and the Aryan Yogic heritage. Religious knowledge brings the
highest order of mundane knowledge,
that is, all lower forms of material knowledge and insight associated
with science. It is, indeed, the pure inspiration of the
sat-chit-ananda that allows men to uncover secrets of nature. However,
the men with the highest religious knowledge will not be obsessed with
manipulating nature via egoic, desire-motivated manipulations. The
knowledge of the mundane is an inferior form of knowledge that is
illumined and enabled by religious knowledge, but which should be
guided by understanding of the true nature of the outer world. The very
power to know any outer thing is given by the light of Brahman behind
the mind of a man. It is Brahman that illuminates outer knowledge. And
this understanding is religious knowledge. Cultivation of that
understanding brings a surfeit of outer mundane knowledge should a man
desire it. (Love-of-God favors penetration of nature without harm.) Devotion As religious knowledge grows, one feels a little bit of devotion. As devotion grows, his religious experience (bliss, protection, knowledge) also grows. Music, God-directed, cultivates higher devotion. The states of worship, and adoration are the highest human states. If you analyze the preoccupations and obsessions of all human beings, they are all seeking to get into these states by various means, even if for moments. The Sanskrit word upasana means "meditation practice" and also "adoration." The Sanskrit word for devotion
and one who cultivates it is a bhakta.Christian
saints were bhaktas.
The attitude of devotion
is the most fertile and fruitful field for the blooming of the flowers
and fruit of meditation (described later). Felt devotion is the 2nd
level of religious knowledge, and powerfully effective for spiritual
knowledge. Devotion is, itself, spiritual knowledge. Knowledge About Sex Religious knowledge includes
subject of sex. In fact, it is only in
knowledge that beneficial
understanding about sex is found. This is because the world of materiality is run through with the sex impulse. The sexual impulse, along with Pure Consciousness, runs through everything in the material cosmos. We incarnate and
get bodies through the sexual impulse. This begins as our
spirits are attracted to our karmically resonant parents as they
procreate. We become able to enter into them only through
their sexual act. Our bodies are then formed through the power of our parents' sexual union. In the sexual orgasm, men and women touch the bliss consciousness of Brahman momentarily. This is why sexual acts then become so addicting. Because the sexual experience is so blissful and a little spark of God, for the majority of men and women the experience of human love, sex, and finally orgasm becomes their de facto god. But giving in to that desire without restraint is destructive. When we are children are bliss nature is spread throughout our bodies and lofting in our upper regions, in our minds. Children have their bliss more available. But then as we mature it descends and collects. The bliss once spread through our bodies and available to our minds as children collects in the lower areas. Then finally we access it again through the sexual act, discharge, and releases. But to choose to get our joy primarily from this has destructive consequences. It should be allowed for procreation in marriage, but then the man and woman should work to lift their energy and regain their steady bliss nature again. For the male his sexual energy is the stuff of his consciousness and inner ground. The breakup of his inner ground manifests increasing duality in his outer world-movie, and disturbance to both personal and world conditions. This is the expulsion from the garden, continuing today. The female, too, manifests suffering through breakup of her inner ground as well as sympathetic world-destruction via the male, to whom she is metaphysically attuned. It is the role of religious knowledge to help men and women make sex their friend and not their destructive enemy. Sex has even more astounding significance because it's proper handling is the secret to enlightenment and transcendental knowledge. The sanctified sexual energy, after a man and woman have created their family, becomes the road and ladder in this world to divine knowledge later, and siddhis. (Powers of mind.) By chastity, men and women learn how to stabilize themselves in conscious bliss instead of stealing brief moments that leave the male vitiated and the exterior world-dream tragically disturbed. By continence they also become able to transmit divine bliss and knowledge to others. The message of the Garden of Eden story in the Book of Genesis is that improper use of the sexual impulse disturbs the inner ojas and inner ground, basis of the world-garden. We eject ourselves from higher ideal world conditions via improper and unsacred use of sex, or sexual sin. So again, aside from divine knowledge, sex is the second critically important human subject and it is to religious knowledge that we must resort to have proper understanding. Because sex is so central to all of life, our handling of it has huge consequences for good or ill. Like any great power, it has the power for good or evil, according to the approach taken with it. Electricity channeled to intelligent places in intelligent ways gives man great benefit. Electricity out of its channels causes harm. The sun's light and power can either be beneficial or harmful. Water channeled through an irrigation system can give great bounty and well-being. Water running everywhere it shouldn't causes human damage. Gasoline in an engine, channeled through it's parts, can become a great constructive power. Gasoline spilled on the ground, or in places it shouldn't be, becomes poison. Sex is this way. Ignorant use of it makes it destructive; intelligent and dharmic approaches make it beneficial. Religions that don't give clear and compelling guidance about sex are inadequate for humanity and for the White Europeans. In an atmosphere in which knowledge of sex is no longer clearly presented, in which the subject becomes merely "taboo" or uncomfortable, ignorant forces move in to become the "teachers" of sex. The truth is that only a people's sages, priests, saints and moral teachers should teach a people about sex. Commercialists, pornographers, prostitutes, and pimps should not be the ones who teach a people about sex, much less perverts. This is the bizarre, diseased situation presently in the White European nations: Commercialists, pimps, pornographers, prostitutes, and perverts acting as the sexual instructors to the young White generation for material gain, as exploiters. Thus the destruction of the European peoples from this. Commercialists, pornographers, and perverts who undertake to teach our youth about sex, immediately corrupting them and misdirecting their life force, should be restrained and thoroughly rebuked. A people's sages, priests, and moralists are the proper people to teach a people about this most important subject. Secondarily the parents and older family members as, in parents' own natural instinctive way as they raise their children, guided by the teachings of their priests and sages. Not pornographers, not the communist state, not the "public" schools, not homosexual activists. Sex has too much power for good, and too much power for destruction, to be left in the hands of the corrupt or the evil. No intelligent people will allow such elements to teach their youth about sex. In fact, proper knowledge about
is the province of religion, not
pornographers. A vital and proper religion will give all necessary
understanding about sex, such as to make sex a proper boon instead of
a destructive and confusing power. If Christian churches do not give
clear understanding about sex to the generations of youth coming up,
including the connection of morality to the religious life of devotion
and spiritual bliss of their priests, nuns, and saints, the church is
failing them. The sages of Aryan Vedanta
considered sex to have two proper purposes: Procreation in marriage
with wife, and sublimation (sacrifice) for divine knowledge
prosperity. It can either grow the prosperous family or it can grow
divine knowledge and the flowers of a people's well being. All other
channels and "uses" for sex are destructive to the people and ignorant. When aspiring men restrain, direct, channel, and sublimate their sexual feeling they are actually taking hold of the energies of the Lord, as if wrestling with Him or trying to hold Him, or catch Him. Like wives are matches for their husbands, the religious aspirant full of the creative power and expanded consciousness becomes a worthy "mate" to the Divine Consciousness, to be penetrated by Him in mind and soul and attain divine knowledge. As men and women become chaste, they then get on the platform of Brahman (Nirguna Brahman), or the unmanifest God. In a certain sense, the celibate yogi has conquered the manifest God. Yet Isvara Himself is the highest yogi, in the highest state of chastity while also being the most potent of all male beings (capable of creating endless universes). When men become chaste they get power to truly interact with The Lord, plus the point-of-view of the unmanifest Brahman, which has purview over the manifest. Thus chastity in the Aryan Vedas is called brahmacharya. Chastity in men is the foundation for personal and intimate knowledge of the Creator Lord, plus the rise of insight and divine knowledge, plus the key to cultural regeneration. Chastity in sages is the source of beneficial religion that protects peoples and gives them prosperity, including the prosperity of happy families and a healthy birthrate. God blesses the moral people who treats sex -- the second most important thing in the world -- as sacred. Our White European grandfathers and mothers had both conscious and tacit knowledge about the sacredness of sex, kept it in sacred channels, thus the Lord protected and prospered them and even gave them new lands from their own undisturbed inner ground. So, when men and women become
regenerate and enlightened, they wish to
use sex and experience sex in a religious way. They wish to experience
it in a holistic way -- connected to all creation and all truth -- not
in a disconnected, unconscious, or random way. Knowledge of Chastity Chastity is, in fact, the
form of sexual knowledge. As
religious knowledge grows deeper, the aspirant understands the
significance of moral purity and chastity, i.e. reserving sex as the
seal on marriage and the power of procreation. Such chastity
increases his religious experience (bliss, knowledge) which further
grows his or her devotion. It also prepares them for fruitful
meditation. Chastity is the third level of religious knowledge. It is
easy to find the instructions regarding chastity in the Yogic
scriptures. They also exist in the Christian scripture, though less
clear in the text. "The
bright and pure Self within the body, that the monks with (habitual
effort and) attenuated blemishes see, is attainable through truth,
concentration, complete knowledge, and continence, practiced
constantly." Third
Upanishad, Canto 1, Verse 5, Gambhirananda translation "This
Atman, resplendent and pure, whom the sinless sannyasins behold
residing within the body, is attained by unceasing practice of
truthfulness, austerity, right knowledge, and continence." Nikhilananda
translation "This
Soul (Atman) is obtainable by truth, by austerity (tapas), by proper
knowledge (jnana), by the student's life of chastity (brahmacharya)
constantly [practiced]. Within the body, consisting of light, pure is
He Whom the ascetics (yati), with imperfections done away, behold." Hume
translation "This
self within the body, of the nature of light and pure, is attainable by
truth, by austerity, by right knowledge, by the constant (practice) of
chastity. Him, the ascetics with their imperfections done away, behold." Radhakrishnan
translation "By
truth can this self be grasped -- by austerity, by right knowledge, and
by a perpetually chaste life. It lies within the body, brilliant
and full of light, which ascetics perceive, when their faults
wiped out." Olivelle
translation "The
Self is found by veracity, purity, intelligence, continence.
ascetic, so purged, discovers His burning light in the heart." Purhoit Swami translation, All parens those of the authors
Approaching Sex In a Religious Way COPYRIGHT
Julian Lee.
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